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Digital Transformation in Simple Words

In times of economic and social crisis, it is vital that executives and directors of Technology in organizations reflect on the transformations made in recent years by changing inefficient processes, making use of tools and most importantly, trying to foster change in people, their habits and way of interacting.

In this endeavor, some more advanced than others, have been able to capitalize on opportunities in creating new businesses that previously would not have been possible. But some have also been able to optimize resources and increase their productivity.

From small businesses or startups to large corporations with high budgets for transformation programs, it is a reality as technological and cultural disruption has impacted our lives and organizations.

Digital transformation is nothing more than a process of change that we live today where we make use of technology and its innovations to change the way we do things and communicate, try to be more productive and generate new business models from the opportunities we identify in the digital society.

We want to share some recommendations according to our experience to achieve a better use  of this industrial revolution that we live:

    • Work in the user experience of your collaborators and customers: delivering easy-to-use tools and information systems, clear, simple and secure processes supported by robust platforms and with the best possible availability. The customer in the digital society has little patience and prefers ease of use over slow and complex processes.

    • Select the digital attention and sales channels where you are strong and provide the best experience. Many companies open attention channels on all possible platforms without having the ability to provide the best service with acceptable response times for the digital consumer. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the channels where you have more experience, knowledge and operational capacity to react.

    • Establish business allies and make available an extended ecosystem of technology services for your customer. In today’s consumer mechanics, the offer of products and services is very wide with large players in the market, so it is convenient to establish alliances with companies of your size to strengthen your value proposition. If you don’t have the ability to develop your digital products or services, identify allies that allow you to venture into these new business models.

    • Become a specialist with a focus on a product or service in your portfolio that excels in quality attributes. People consume your product or service for its attributes of price, quality and support. A company with a catalog that sells many different types of products or services loses credibility with the informed consumer. Be a reference of your industry and lead the transformation of it.

    • Leverage your business data for informed decision-making. By processing and crossing all your internal and external business data from your industry, you can discover important facts to adjust your strategy to market reality. Understand that implementing data analytics in your organization requires a path of maturity in data quality and capture, processing capacity, and analysis. This takes time but will be very beneficial for the management and growth of your company.

    • Validate your business ideas with rapid product development in the market – it doesn’t mean that what you bring to market doesn’t have the quality you need. But if you make use of agile methodologies for product development that allow you to have a minimum viable to test in the market and iterate incrementally taking as a priority the most used features.

    • Make use of task automation tools that free up your workforce time to spend more effort on business development, personalized, preferential care that today’s consumer demands.

Technology automates the solution and allows it to be scalable, not focus on an application, puts all your effort into the strategy and how to materialize it from the data.

If you want to know more about this subject, besides having a talk of generating value from data, we invite you to contact us, it will be a pleasure to know your reality and contribute in your Competitiveness and Sustainability from People, Data and Technology.

Carlos Martínez
Director de Analítica  – Abi
+57 317 6255000